As you are probably aware of, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has unfortunately reached the Netherlands a couple of weeks ago, and the expectation is that the virus will continue to spread within the upcoming weeks. Schotpoort Logistics is aware that health is the greatest wealth for all of us. And as such we have taken several measures in order to minimize the risks of the virus for our organization as well as our clients.
As per this message we would like to inform you regarding the measures we have taken, as well as about the consequences that the virus might have on the services that we provide for your organization.
Which measures does Schotpoort Logistics take in connection with the coronavirus?
Schotpoort Logistics follows the developments closely and complies with the guidelines of the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). In practice this has led to our organization taking the following measures:
1. All of our employees have been informed regarding the importance of (extra) attention when it comes to personal hygiene.
2. All of our employees have been instructed how to handle in case of health complaints.
3. At each of our locations alcohol based hand rub has been made available.
4. At each of our locations posters have been pinned on the door, and near the desks, listing the most important guidelines of the World Health Organization in order to prevent spreading of the coronavirus. We expect that our employees as well as our clients, partners and suppliers visiting us, comply with the guidelines of the World Health Organization mentioned on these posters.
5. For all of our drivers packages with hygiene products have been composed, the packages consist of alcohol based hand rub or disinfectant tissues, rubber gloves and a mouth cap.
6. Entrance doors to our offices and warehouse locations are locked for external visitors. Drivers do not have access to our buildings (access to sanitary facilities will of course be granted if required) and are requested to stay within the cabin of their truck as much as possible during loading and unloading.
7. Meetings are handled via alternative communication channels rather than through actual visits as much as possible, alternatively they might be postponed.
8. An emergency plan in order to safeguard our business operations has been drawn up and activated. Part of our office staff is working from home, in order to safeguard the continuity of our services in the case the virus is observed at (one of) our locations.
How does the virus influence the services Schotpoort Logistics is providing for your organization?
At the moment the virus has limited influence on our service provision. Particularly transports from and towards Italy are difficult to fulfil. The influence of the virus on the transport capacity within the upcoming time however, is difficult to predict. Dependent on the further development of the coronavirus in Europe, the extraordinary circumstances may result in cases in which we won’t be able to meet agreed lead times, or to transport booked shipments. Of course we aim to minimize the effects, however in the case the virus will have influence on our service provision for your organization, we will inform you as soon as possible.
By taking the measures mentioned above, we hope to minimize the impact of the coronavirus on our service provision for your organization. In the case the coronavirus affects your organization, please inform us as soon as possible, such that we can jointly take the appropriate measures immediately.
We sympathize with the ones affected and hope that the situation around the virus stabilizes and improves soon. In the case there are changes within our measures related to the coronavirus, we will keep you updated.
We hope to have informed you sufficiently for now, but in the case you have any additional questions, feel free to contact our sales department via at your earliest convenience.